The Chevra Kadisha of Calgary does not engage in fundraising campaigns.  Nor does it participate in the Jewish community’s bursary program.  Nonetheless, no one is denied access to our services because of financial reasons.  We provide assistance to bereaved families with funeral costs when there is genuine need.  We appreciate any support from the community with this initiative to help families with the mitzvah of burying their loved ones.  Special appreciation is expressed to Calgary B’nai Brith for their continuing support of this tzedakah.

From time to time, there are special projects undertaken with the sponsorship of families wishing to honour loved ones.  A recent example is the Reflecting Park project being planned for the Erlton Cemetery.  We welcome donations to this project as well as to the upkeep of our facilities.

The Chevra Kadisha is responsible for the maintenance of our cemeteries even after they are full and no longer selling plots.  We thank the community for support of this perpetual care.

Donations can now be made online by clicking on the link below.  Donors can designate if they so choose which initiative(s) they prefer to support.  Tax receipts will be sent quickly as the Chevra Kadisha is a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.