Yizkor, a memorial service for the deceased, is recited four times a year:  on Yom Kippur, on Shemini Atzeret (at the conclusion of Succot), on the eighth day of Passover, and on the second day of Shavuot. Please contact one of the synagogues in our community for service times and COVID restrictions. To determine a date for Yizkor, click on the Jewish Holidays Calendar link below.

Jewish Holidays Calendar


Yahrzeit is the anniversary of the death of an individual on the Hebrew calendar.  Relatives of a deceased usually commemorate a yahrzeit by lighting a yahrzeit candle on the evening before the yahrzeit. These candles are available for purchase at any supermarket carrying a supply of kosher products. Often, a donation to charity in the name of the deceased is made.

To find a yahrzeit date, click on this link Hebrew yahrzeit date and remember that the Hebrew day starts at sundown the evening before on the secular calendar. If it is known that the deceased passed away in the evening but before midnight, enter the secular date for the next day.